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Language: German
Module for BWS 4.X / 5.X
Prepare a deep and rich Bible study without a lot of background knowledge!
Includes installation of BibleWorkshop V special.
Language: Deutsch
Module for BWS 4.X / 5.X
This contemporary verse-by-verse commentary is focused on the fundamental questions of the christian belief.
Language: German
Module for BWS 4.X / 5.X
12 colored illustrations on the seven ages of the biblical way of salvation.
A true classic!
Language: German
Module for BWS 4.X / 5.X
This detailed verse-by-verse interpretation of the book of revelation was published as a module for BWS.
This Bible course is based on the teaching materials used at Bible school Burgstädt and is part of a multi-part series.
The module CD contains BWS 5.1.1 Special.